Camrose Community Drive In: The Great Outdoors
The Camrose Community Drive In is back and will be showing The Great Outdoors on June 18th at 10pm! Reserve your spot on eventbrite.
Thank you to our sponsors Fresh Air Cinema, and Wild Rose Co-op for helping us bring some REEL fun back to the community.
Entry is free to the community but please register as there are limited spots available!
Since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak there has been a huge loss of community events and the feeling of community spirit. This historic past time experience is an ideal safe distancing event that allows participants to comply with social distancing protocols while coming together as a community.
To ensure the health and safety of all movie goers the guidelines below will be in place and enforced.
- Limited spots are available on a first come first-served basis.
- Registration will be per vehicle. Only members of the same household in each vehicle.
- No washrooms or facilities available on site.
- No concession or food service available on site. Bring your own snacks, take your own garbage.
- All occupants must remain in the vehicle or will be asked to leave. NO you cannot sit in the back of your truck. NO you cannot sit on your roof. NO you cannot open your hatch and sit in the back of the vehicle.
- Respect all volunteers working to provide a unique experience for your family.
Cars will be parked to the front of the parking lot, trucks will be to the back. Reserving a space does not guarantee the location of your vehicle in the parking lot, it reserves a spot for you to join in on the movie night.
Those not following the guidelines will be asked to leave. These rules were approved by AHS and if everyone follows the rules, we may be able to do future events! There are approximately 175 spaces available.
We are excited to make CRE once again the home of It Happens Here!
Additional details will be available on CRE website and social media channels. Questions about the program or details can be answered by calling the CRE at 780-672-3640.
AHS Rules and Regulations:
1. The organizer will ensure that ill individuals or those required to self-isolate are not permitted at any drive-in event. Such individuals must remain at home in self-isolation.
2. Drive-in events must minimize the number of people outside of a vehicle. Although 15 people is the absolute maximum, numbers should be limited further when possible. For example, the bride, groom, officiant, witness and person running the technology equipment at a wedding will be the only people outside their vehicles. It’s important to include all of the people at the event when calculating the drive-in event numbers; this includes staff/volunteers involved in security, technology and hosting.
a) All people outside of a vehicle must maintain physical distancing, with the exception of a bride and groom.
3. Cars should pull in to designated, well-marked, parking stalls. In spring/summer, it is reasonable to allow people to have the windows down if cars are parked 2m apart (i.e. park in every second parking spot and have ground markings showing attendees where to park). Hosting an event at night or the evening would minimize people stuck in their cars during the day time heat.
4. One household unit per vehicle. If people share a home, they can share the vehicle. Household units should not be picking up other friends or family for the event.
5. Attendees must stay in their vehicles for the duration of the event.
6. No food or beverage service is allowed. At this time, no drive thru of a permitted facility (e.g. food truck) is allowed because this would likely result in longer events and encourage people to get out of their vehicle and lineup for food and beverage services.
7. No public washrooms should be available and attendees need to be made aware of this through communication from the event organizer. Cars will need to be parked in a format, that should someone need to leave during the event, they can easily do so.
8. Drive-in events must not be longer than 2 hours because there are no washroom facilities and longer drive-in events will encourage attendees to leave the vehicle.
9. AHS shall be notified of time, date, location and mitigation measures in place for the drive-in event.
10. No handouts to attendees are permitted; this includes, but is not limited to: food, diplomas or party favors.
11. A drive thru receiving line for a wedding party should ensure the bride and groom are 2 meters from the passing vehicles. No contact is permitted amongst the hosts and attendees.
12. Organizers must have a security plan in place that will ensure rules are followed, such as no exiting vehicles. For large events, the plan may include onsite monitoring/security. Organizers must ensure all attendees are informed of event rules before the event begins.