A CRE Halloween
Ready for some Halloween family fun? This is no trick, Camrose Regional Exhibition has Spooktacular activities for you and your family to participate in this Halloween! See below for details on our three-part Halloween Fun!
Virtual Monster Mash
Friday October 30, 2020. 7PM-8:30 PM
Online Dance Party with DJ!
Log in via zoom and dance to the music from a local DJ and have a party in your own living
Join link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83173974560?pwd=emVxTE9aelZwUm1tQW1vUjNjaitVUT09
Social Media Costume Contest
Monday October 26 – Saturday October 31
Show us your best costumes Camrose!
Winner will be contacted the following Monday!
Post a picture of you and your family on social media and tag @camroseregional to be entered
to win a Halloween Prize Pack.
CRE Photo Op & Trick or Treat
Friday October 30th 8AM- 4:30 PM
Bring your camera to the CRE and take your own photos in our festive autumn/Halloween back
drop, located in front of the CRE main building. Grab a bag of candy on the way out. Tag
@camroseregional to let us know you took pictures here!