CRE Indoor RV Winter Storage

CRE’s Indoor RV Winter Storage
Dates – Move-in week of November 4th, 2024, All RV’s removed by Friday, May 2nd.
Cost is $1,000/ RV for the 6 months which must be prepaid…no monthly plans available.
22 spots available.
You can store cars/boats/etc.
Spaces are limited and will be allocated at the time of payment/contract signing.
Building will be kept above zero all winter.
Terms & Conditions
- Must confirm for all 6 months.
- No in-and-out reservations will be accepted
- No washroom facilities on-site.
- Owners can inspect RV’s during the following days/times – Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm.
- Batteries must be removed.
- All propane bottles must be removed.
- Owner must keep insurance active and provide proof of insurance upon signing contract.
- RV’s must be able to fit under overhead door. The unit can be up to 11 feet tall and 14 feet wide.

Indoor RV Winter Storage